New Zealand Flying Day 6 (January 13th): Otago Peninsula

Dunedin, known as the Edinburgh of the South, was one of the first cities in New Zealand and was built around a natural harbor during the Gold Rush. The University of Otago is New Zealand's oldest university. There were few students around because it was summer vacation.

The Otago Pensinula is known for its wildlife, particularly birds. The royal albatross colony is the only one not on a offshore island. We took a wildlife cruise with Port to Port Wildlife Cruises and Wildlife Tours.


Red-billed (silver) gull (Tarapunga), Larus novaehollandiae

Black backed (Buller's) gull, Larus bulleri


Pied Oystercatcher (Torea), Haematopus finschi


Pied stilt (Poaka), Himantopus leucocephalus


Eastern bar-tailed godwits (Kuaka), Limosa lapponica

Cormorants and shags:

Stewart Island (Otago) Shag (Matapo), Leucocarbo chalconotus (several color morphs)

Spotted (blue) shag (Parekareka), Phalocrocorax punctatus (juvenile)

Little Pied Cormorant (Shag) (Kawaupaka), Microcarbo melanoleucos (several color morphs)


Northern royal albatross (Toroa), Diomedea sanfordi


White-fronted tern (Tarapiroe), Sterna albostriata


Black swan, Cygnus atratus


Blue (fairy, little) penguin (Korora), Eudyptula minor

Marine mammals:

Fur seal:

New Zealand fur seal (Kekeno), Arctocephalus forsteri

Sea lion:

New Zealand (Hooker's) sea lion, Phocarctos hookeri, eating its favorite octopus food

The Toitu Otago Settler's Museum is interesting - and free! We had lunch in its cafe.

After lunch we flew from Taieri/Dunedin (Mosgiel), NZTI, north along the southeast coast of South Island and then up the Waitaki River, over Omarama, NZOA, where we landed on the first day of flying, over the Omarama Clay Cliffs scenic area, and then southwest back to Wanaka, NZWF.

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Last modified 16 February 2025